Personalized, holistic experiences that promote relaxation, mindfulness, and overall well-being have become amenities offered in many luxury spas and resorts. The next time you check-in, check out whether the resort or spa offers one (or more) of these services…
Cryotherapy, which involves exposing the body to extremely cold temperatures, has become a popular wellness treatment. The most popular form involves sitting in a cryotherapy booth for 3–5 minutes to treat the entire body. Another form is to have a cryotherapy facial, which applies cold to the face only. Still others use a cryotherapy wand to target specific areas.

Sound Healing
Sound healing has become an increasingly popular wellness treatment. It involves using sound waves to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being. Some luxury spas and wellness centers offer sound healing treatments, such as gong baths and singing bowl therapy.
Forest Bathing
Forest bathing, or shinrin-yoku, is a Japanese practice that has become very popular in the United States. It requires spending time in nature – preferably in a grove or forest of trees – to improve overall health and well-being. Forest bathing experiences can include guided walks, meditation, and other activities.
Sleep Retreats
Sleep retreats have become popular as people become more aware of the importance of sleep for overall health. Some luxury resorts and spas offer sleep retreats that focus on improving sleep quality through techniques such as sleep hygiene education, relaxation techniques, and personalized sleep plans.
Finally, many luxury resorts and hotels have started to offer wellness concierge services. These services allow guests to create customized wellness plans based on their needs and preferences. The wellness concierge arranges everything from spa treatments to fitness classes and healthy meal plans.
Is it time to reserve and give yourself a gift of wellness?