Many cultures believe that wearing specific colors is auspicious when celebrating holidays. These colors play a significant part in the holiday itself. Think red and Lunar New Year celebrations. The new year is now upon us – to ring it in both with style and good vibes, add one of these hues to your New Year’s Eve ensemble…

Silver is a motivational color as it is believed to provide clarity and strength. It’s aligned with the color of the moon and brings personal and emotional transformation.
Gold is the most auspicious color representing wealth and royalty. Add a splash of gold or go big on New Year’s Eve in full golden garb to bring all sorts of fantastic things into your life.
Blue is known to bring good vibes. It signifies loyalty and positivity and is said to be especially auspicious when it comes to career. It is also thought to boost intuition and well-being.

Red is the color of passion and desire and is believed to harness the ability to put goals into action. Welcome the new year with gusto.
Green – particularly emerald – is believed to attract prosperity and abundance. If you’re longing for a boost in your bank account or hoping for extra cash to spend in 2024, your wishes may come true by slipping on different shades of green.