Glassware: Irish Coffee Mug
1 Tbs Honey (depending upon desired sweetness)
Rosemary Sprig (about .25 to .5 inch)
5 Sage Leaves
5 Mint Leaves
4 Coriander Seeds
1 Cup Hot Water
*Optional: Add 1 oz. Hendricks Gin
Garnish: Mint Leaf
Directions: There are several ways to prepare this beverage, however, the key is to make sure the ingredients (except for the honey) steep in hot water and the water soaks in the nutrients. The easiest way is to combine all ingredients (including the honey) in a mug capable of high heat, pour hot water over them, stir, and then remove the leaves. If alcohol is added, add it at the end and then stir to integrate. Serve and enjoy.
It was another bitter and chilling Jan 1st in the Nation’s Capital. In the city most were still asleep and hungover from the night before. Walking back into a wasn’t a happy thought, however, a credit card needed to be found. Sitting at the bar, the bartender Frank noticed me within seconds. Fortunately, this bar had been early stop the night before, and the loss of the card was due to the rousing call to action for us to all move to the next. The barkeep said, “We have your card in the office for safety” he offered. Do you want to close out, or let me make you something to help the day? The thought of alcohol was horrifying, and the thought was visible. However, he leaned over mentioned a cup of tea. As he put the water on to heat, he began to quickly list its helpful properties. Coriander helped lower blood pressure, ease digestion (much needed), and add some citrus spice. Earthy sage and rosemary help provide a sensory wrap, much needed on a cold day; in addition, they also provide help with digestion, memory, and ease inflammation. Mint and honey are classic aides for the stomach and the mind. The rich earth tones from the aroma instantly put the body at ease. Earthy and warming, the mint brought a brightness to the taste to help balance the earth and citrus from its counterparts. The warmth of the tea eased the pain and cut against the bitter cold of the day. It was like a touch of sunshine warming from within, and the ringing in my head was finally gone by the time I finished this wellness concoction. After asking for the recipe, it was noticeable the name of the drink was Kick Start, ironic and funny, but satisfying, nonetheless.