Living with less plastic is not only good for the environment, it’s good for you. Here are a few tips on how to ditch the chemicals and live with less plastic…

Replace cling wrap with eco-friendly Beeswax wraps
Kickstart your eco-friendly lifestyle by ditching plastic. Get rid of your plastic wrap and replace it with the eco-friendly beeswax alternative. Beeswax wrap is more breathable than plastic and is biodegradable.
Replace disposable cutlery with a wood set
Americans use over 100 million pieces of disposable cutlery every day! Cut down on the statistics by carrying your own silverware from home. Wooden cutlery is especially easy to carry around.
Switch to an eco-friendly toothbrush
Consider replacing your plastic toothbrushes with bamboo brushes. These are eco-friendlier. You can even go further and use zero-waste toothpaste!
Avoid using bottles for shampoo, conditioner, and lotion
Over 80 billion plastic bottles are disposed of around the world every year just from shampoo and conditioner! Consider using reusable bottles to refill your shampoo, conditioner, and lotion.
Use eco-friendly cleaning cloths
Instead of using paper towels or disposable cloths, go for eco-friendly wipe materials such as compressed natural cellulose sponges. Cloth towels are also great as they are reusable and totally green.
Use eco-friendly cleaning products
Start buying non-toxic natural cleaning products instead of chemical-based products. Chemical-based products may clean your home faster but greatly harm your family, pets, and the environment.