Art Cairo 2025: A Symphony of Culture and Creativity
February 8-11, 2025
The sixth edition of Art Cairo is an event that promises to be an experience like no other. Hosted at the Grand Egyptian Museum, this year’s exhibit aims to seamlessly meld contemporary art with ancient history, serving as a cultural lighthouse. With over 3000 art pieces on display and a rich program of workshops, talks, and special tours, Art Cairo 2025 is set to elevate an understanding and appreciation of Arab art and heritage.
82nd Vienna Philharmonic Ball
January 23, 2005
Every year, the venerable Golden Hall of the Wiener Musikverein is transformed into an elegant ballroom which then becomes the breathtaking backdrop for the Vienna Philharmonic Ball. Among attending guests can be found the Austrian president and other members of the Federal Government, provincial governors, and the mayors of the two “hometowns” of the Vienna Philharmonic — Vienna and Salzburg.
(Ticket sales begin on January 13th, 2025, at the Vienna Philharmonic Ticket Office and are also available by phone and online, beginning on January 13th, 2025.)
Robert Frank – Mary’s Book
December 21, 2024–June 22, 2025
This exhibit at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts celebrates the centennial of photographer Robert Frank’s (1924–2019) birth. It takes an in-depth look at the personal scrapbook of photographs Frank made for Mary Lockspeiser, the woman who became his first wife, titled Mary’s Book. Created in 1949, the one-of-a-kind, handmade book represents a formative moment in Frank’s career when he experimented with juxtaposing images and text. Seventy-four small photographs and their accompanying inscriptions reveal Frank’s appreciation for the poetic resonance of objects and spaces.