Honoring Our Past Physicians
The National Statuary Hall Collection, in the US Capitol building, hosts two statues given by each state, representing citizens who brought distinction to their home states. Many of these statutes honor medical professionals. Today, visitors pass by statues of Father Damien (1840–1889), a Belgian priest who spent 16 years at the Molokai colony taking care of lepers and became a victim of leprosy himself (statue given by Hawaii); John Gorrie (1802–1855), a physician whose interest in tropical diseases led to his invention of a machine to make artificial ice, which he patented (statue given by Florida); Crawford W. Long (1815–1878), a country doctor who first used ether in surgery in 1842 (statue given by Georgia); and Florence Sabin (1871–1953), a pioneer in science and public health, and the first woman to become a full professor at a medical school, The Johns Hopkins University, (statue given by Colorado).

Washington, DC Health & Fitness Expo 2024
March 14-15
The Washington, DC Health & Fitness Expo is an event that is sure to draw attention from the health and fitness community. Organized by Competitor Group, this two-day regional consumer show is set to be held on Mar 14-15, in Washington, DC. With a focus on fitness, the expo is sure to bring together the best products, services, and ideas from the industry. The Walter E. Washington Convention Center will be the venue for this event,